You only need to invite admins to your workspace. Event staff can see everything they need without a Flashquotes account.

Inviting New Team Members

Step 1: Access the Members Page

  1. Navigate to Settings in the main navigation
  2. Select Members from the sidebar

Step 2: Send an Invitation

  1. Click the Invite Member button in the top right corner

  2. In the Invite Member dialog, enter the email address of the person you want to invite. Be sure the email is tied to a Google account, since they will need to sign in with Google to join your workspace.

  3. Click Send Invitation

The invited user will receive an email with a unique link to join your company workspace.

Step 3: User Acceptance

When a user receives an invitation:

  1. They click the invitation link in their email
  2. On the Invitation Page, they can:
  • Sign in with Google
  • Create a new account (if they don’t have one)
  1. After signing in, they’re automatically added to your company workspace

Managing Invitations

Tracking Invitation Status

  • View all pending invitations under the “Invited” section on the Members page
  • For pending invitations, click the dropdown menu to resend the invitation.

Invitation links expire after 7 days. If a link expires, simply send a new invitation.

Troubleshooting Invitations

If an invited user can’t find their invitation:

  1. Ask them to check their spam folder
  2. Use the “Resend Invitation” option
  3. If issues persist, contact support

After adding team members: